Bike thefts are increasing and you need to protect your bike by locking it the right way with a good quality lock.

When you're buying a bike you should expect to have a good lock just as you would have a good helmet. Most cable locks can be very easily cut with bolt cutters and offer minimal security.
Under Revolution Insurance you will only be covered for theft if your bike is properly secured with an approved lock, which meets our Lock Standards. Our lock standards have been set using industry testing standards and separate manufacturer standards.
Under our Standards, locks must be keyed (not combination) and either a D-Lock, heavy chain or folding lock which meet any of the following minimum ratings:
Industry Testing Standards
Sold Secure: Rated as either a Silver, Gold or Diamond​
ART: Rated 2 stars for bicycles​
Manufacturer Standards
Abus: Rated 8 or higher
Kryptonite: Rated 6 or higher
Trelock: Rated 4 or higher
Chain locksABUS Steel-O-Chain 8807 ABUS Steel-O-Chain 9809 ABUS Steel-O-Chain 880 Hiplok Lite Wearable Chain Lock Hiplok Lite Wearable Chain Lock Superbright Hiplok Original Wearable Chain Lock Hiplok Original Wearable Chain Lock Superbright Trelock BC480 Chain Lock
D locksABUS Granit 460 ABUS Granit Plus 470 ABUS Granit X-Plus 540 ABUS Ultra Mini 410 BBB U-Vault Bontrager Elite Keyed Mini U-Lock Bontrager Elite Keyed U-Lock Giant Surelock Protector 1 DT Giant Surelock Protector 1 LS Giant Surelock Protector 2 LS Giant Surelock Protector 2 STD Hiplok D Wearable Hiplok DX Wearable Hiplok DXC Wearable Hiplok DX-Plus Wearable Hiplok E-DX Wearable Knog Strongman lock Magnum U-Lock Magnum U-Lock with Bracket Magnum U-Lock with Cable & Bracket OnGuard Bulldog Mini LS Trelock U4-FLEX D-Lock
Folding locksABUS Bordo 6000 ABUS Bordo 6000 Twinset ABUS Bordo Alarm 6000A ABUS Bordo Big 6000 ABUS Bordo Granit X-Plus 6500 Bontrager Elite Folding Keyed Mini Lock Bontrager Elite Keyed Folding Lock Kyrptolock 685 Folding Lock
Other locksTrelock PROTECT-O-CONNECT + Connecting Chain EzipGrip 2 Bike Electric Bike Rack
Most locks will display the rating on the packaging. Other locks may still meet our standards but we suggest you contact us to confirm this. We have listed below some locks which do meet our Lock Standards.
If you make a claim for theft from a public place we will confirm that your bike was locked with a lock that meets our lock standards.

You must ensure your bike is properly secured. This means the bike's frame is locked to an immovable object. Additional locks can provide extra security for wheels.

Option 1
As a minimum your approved lock must lock your bike’s frame to an immoveable object.

Option 2
If you can get your approved lock around the bike's frame, a wheel and an immoveable object that is better.

Option 3
Better still is to secure your bike's frame to an immoveable object with an approved lock and also lock both your wheels. You may need to use a second lock for this (which can be a cable lock).
What not to do!

Locking only the wheel to an immovable object. The bike's frame must be secured to an immovable object otherwise thieves can remove the wheel and make off with your bike.

Locking a bike with an unapproved lock, for example, cable locks can be easily cut with bolt cutters and offer minimal security.

Locking a bike, but not to an immoveable object. Your bike can’t be ridden but can still be stolen.

Locking a bike to an object that is not immoveable, like a wire fence or a post the bike can be lifted over. Thieves can easily remove your bike from the object.