Our specialist bike insurance has been designed especially for bikers.

(at a glance)
Theft from home/work
We’ll provide cover if your bike is stolen from a locked premises.

Theft in a public place
We’ll provide cover if your bike is stolen from a public place, when secured by an approved lock to an immovable object.

Accidental damage
This covers damage caused by sudden, unexpected events including drops, falls, impacts and natural disasters.

Roadside assistance
We’ll arrange help if you break down or have an accident.
Like-for-like replacement
If your bike can’t be repaired we’ll give you an identical new or equivalent bike.

Other people’s property
We’ll provide cover for
up to $1m for accidental
damage caused by you to
other people’s property.

We’ll automatically cover items used with your bike (like a lock or lights) for up to $250. Increase your cover to $1000 for an additional premium.

Low to no excess
The policy has a maximum excess of $100, and no excess for Roadside Assistance or Emergency Costs.

Emergency costs
We’ll cover emergency costs incurred in the event of a breakdown of up to a maximum of $500.
Approved locks
Our policy will only cover you for theft in a public place if your frame is attached to an immovable object with an approved lock.

We’ll cover deliberate damage or sabotage to your bike by someone else, such as having the frame broken by a want-to-be thief.

Where you're covered
We’ll cover your bike and accessories anywhere in New Zealand, so don’t worry if you’re in The Bluff or at The Cape.
*Roadside Assistance is provided by New Zealand Roadside Assistance. Callouts are limited to three in any policy year and must be roads accessible by a 2 wheel drive service vehicle. Coverage is for the North and South Islands of New Zealand. (Coverage for Waiheke Island may be possible depending on availability of service providers).